Hello everyone and thanks for taking a look at my new website! I've ditched SmugMug, moved to Wix and couldn't be happier.
My old site started to feel unwelcoming and claustrophobic, so I finally decided to build a new one. I feel that my work is now represented better, and easier to browse. It's also now possible to order prints directly from the website! Plus having a blog is a pretty cool too.
To celebrate the launch, I've released a brand new forest tutorial and put my previous two on sale! Click here to view my tutorials. At checkout, use code 'new_website' to receive 20% off 5 Tips and Tricks and/or Lesson 1: Waterfalls.
To purchase or find information about Lesson 2: Sunny Forests, click here.
If you have any feedback or questions, don't hesitate to get in touch or leave a comment!